ISSN 2409-7616

Neborsky E.V., Kozlov I.I., Klipakova D.M.


UDC 37.013:791.43

Neborsky E.V.1,2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Kozlov I.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Klipakova D.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow Pedagogical State University

2Russian Academy of Education

Abstract. Technological progress and social development are inextricably linked. In recent decades, the pace of progress in the field of digital technologies and media resources has increased significantly and today this does not seem surprising. One of these media resources is cinema (and cinema in general), which has long gone beyond the scope of a purely entertaining spectacle that allows organizing leisure time. As shown by quantitative and qualitative analysis of scientific publications for the period 2012 to 2024, there is an increase in research interest in the use of cinema in the educational process, but at the moment in the domestic scientific community there is no theoretical justification for film pedagogy as a section of pedagogy and theoretical field. The purpose of this article is to characterize film pedagogy as a theoretical field, a means of teaching and education, and an educational trend. The research methods were quantitative analysis of scientific publications, thematic analysis of scientific publications, semantic analysis of scientific publications using neural networks, critical analysis, abstraction and systematization. As a result of the study, film pedagogy is characterized as a theoretical field. The concept of cinema pedagogy has been formulated – this is a branch of pedagogy about teaching and educating a person through the means of cinema. The means of cinematography include, first of all, cinema itself, as a form of fine art, its products – full-length films, short films and series, feature and documentary films, as well as cartoons (animated, plasticine, graphic, etc.). The concepts of “film pedagogy” and “media education” and their theoretical foundations as academic fields are differentiated. Research approaches in the field of film pedagogy have been identified: axiological; cultural; relativistic; retrospective; discursive, etc., as well as research methods. The potential of film pedagogy as a means of teaching and education is characterized. Types of film analysis proposed for practicing teachers: philosophical; axiological; institutional; cultural; reflective; semiotic; ideological; ethical, etc. The following are proposed as educational practices: meaningful viewing; writing an alternative ending; shooting your own short videos; role-playing game, etc. Justification is given that film pedagogy is an educational trend.

Keywords: cinema pedagogy, cinema pedagogy methodology, pedagogy methodology, visual means, screen culture, teaching through film, education through film, media education, cinema.


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For citation: Neborsky E.V., Kozlov I.I., Klipakova D.M. Cinema pedagogy: theoretical field, means of upbrining and education, educational trend. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 370-384.