conditions for publishing a scientific article in the electronic journal “CITISE”
1.1. The Author (Co-Authors) provides the Publisher, free of charge, for the duration of the copyright provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, an exclusive license to use the scientific work created by the Author (Co-Authors) (hereinafter referred to as the Article) for publication in the electronic journal “CITISE” (hereinafter referred to as the Journal), within the limits defined by this Agreement, without retaining the Author (Co-authors) the right to issue similar licenses for this Article to other persons.
1.2. The rights granted under this Agreement include:
– reproduction of the Article or its individual part in any material form, including on paper and electronic media in the form of a separate work, as part of the Journal(s) and/or in the databases of the Publisher and/or other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher;
– distribution of the Article or its separate part on any medium in the form of a separate work, as part of the Journal(s) and/or in the databases of the Publisher or other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher and/or the Founder of the Journal;
– bringing the Article or a separate part thereof to the public with the opportunity for any person to access the Article from any place and at any time of their own choice (including via the Internet);
– public display of copies of the Article or its separate part;
– processing, including translation of the Article (including into English), and use of the revised (translated) Article in the above ways;
– sublicensing (providing the rights to use the Article and its individual parts obtained under this Agreement to third parties).
1.3. The territory in which the rights specified in clause 1.1 and clause 1.2 of this Agreement apply covers the territory of all states where copyright is protected by international treaties of the Russian Federation or on other grounds.
1.4. This Agreement comes into effect from the moment the Article is sent to the Journal.
1.5. Based on this Agreement, the Parties sign a License Agreement for the right to use a scientific work in the Journal.
2.The author (Co-authors) guarantees:
2.1. He is the actual copyright holder of the exclusive rights to the Article; the rights granted to the Publisher under this Agreement have not been transferred by them previously and will not be transferred in the future to third parties;
2.2. The article is an original work, has not been submitted for consideration and has not been published previously in other printed and (or) electronic publications, except for the publication of a preprint (manuscript) of the Article of the Authors (Co-authors) on the own website. The Article is not a “commissioned” or official work;
2.3. The Article contains all links to cited authors and sources of publication of borrowed materials provided for by current legislation. The Author (Co-Authors) have received all necessary permissions to use materials in the Article, the copyright holder(s) of which the Author (Co-Authors) is not;
2.4. The article does not contain materials that are not subject to publication in the open press, in accordance with the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
3.The author (Co-authors) undertakes:
3.1. Do not publish the Article in other printed and (or) electronic publications and do not distribute it without the consent of the Publisher;
3.2. Use an electronic copy of the Article prepared by the Publisher and transferred to the Author solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3.3. In the event that third parties present claims to the Publisher (claims,
claims) related to violation of exclusive copyright and/or other intellectual property rights when using the Article by the Publisher. The Author undertakes:
– immediately after receiving the Publisher’s notification, take measures to resolve disputes with third parties, if necessary, enter into legal proceedings on the Publisher’s side and take all actions within its power to exclude the Publisher from the list of defendants;
– reimburse the Publisher for legal costs incurred and damages paid by the Publisher to a third party in connection with violation of copyright and other intellectual rights.
4.The author (Co-authors) has the right:
4.1. Use printed or electronic preprints of the Article manuscript. Such preprints may be posted as electronic files on the website of the Author(s) or on a secure external website of the employer of the Author(s) of the Article, but not for systematic external distribution to others. In this case, the Author(s) must include the following warning in the preprint: “This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in (Journal name, (C), copyright (year), copyright holder listed in the Journal).”
4.2. Freely photocopy or distribute to colleagues a copy of the printed Article, in whole or in part, for their personal or professional use, for the promotion of academic or scientific research, or for informational purposes.
4.3. Use selected materials from the published Article in a book written by the Author (Co-authors).
4.4. Include Article materials in educational collections for use in the classroom, distribute materials of the Author (Co-authors) among students free of charge, save materials as part of a course of study in electronic format on a local server for access by students, and also use for internal training programs at the employer’s institution, but not for systematic distribution or free access.
4.5. In accordance with Art. 1269 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The author (co-authors) have the right to refuse a previously made decision to publish (reproduce) the Article (the right to withdraw), subject to compensation to the Publisher for losses caused by such a decision. If the Article is published, the Author (Co-authors) are also obliged to publicly notify about its revocation. In this case, the Author (Co-authors) has the right to withdraw from circulation previously released copies of the Article, the Journal, compensating the Publisher to third parties (subscribers) for the losses caused.
5.1. If a significant violation of clauses 2.1, 2.2., 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 of this Agreement is detected, the editors of the journal will initiate a procedure for retracting the article (reporting the inconsistency of its results or the fact of its publication).
5.2. Everything else not directly regulated by this Agreement is subject to regulation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the rules (conditions) for the acceptance and publication of materials in the Journal (Rules for Authors).