ISSN 2409-7616


CITISE: electronic reviewed scientific journal

Certificate of mass-media: ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 59069

ISSN 2409-7616

Founder: Regional Social Organization “Centre of Innovative Technologies and Social Expertise”

Registration date: August 22, 2014

Distribution form: network edition


Issue count (frequency, how many times published per year): 4 issues a year

Edition place: Russia, Moscow

Distribution territory: Russian Federation, foreign countries

The basic language: Russian (English, German)

DOI  10.15350/2409-7616

The publishing policy of the editorial board of the CITISE is connected with systemic statement of scientific and analytical materials which are the results of the researches, concerning to conditions and development of all spheres of the national communities of the world civilization, including author’s views of various problems, experience of solving social problems in Russia and abroad. Special attention is paid to revealing the role of culture and education, the bases in the sustainable development of the human community.

The journal accepts scientific articles from the authors and сreative groups on following scientific fields according to the Nomenclature of scientific specialities and awarded scientific degrees:



The journal is included in:

The list of reviewed scientific editions recommended by VAK (Higher Attestation Commission)

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