Savicheva I. A., Terekhova S.A.
UDc 372.881.111.1
Savicheva I. A.1 (Volgograd, Russian Federation) –, Terekhova S.A.2 (Volgograd, Russian Federation) –
1Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
2Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article renders upon changes, shifts, growth or reduction of roles and functions of a teacher in online learning within post-COVID education. The data analysis of several surveys from different countries (Russia, Turkey, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Iran, South Africa, Lithuania, Egypt, the USA, Brazil, and China) within the period of five years revealed the following functions of an online-teacher: psychology-pedagogical, organising, socialising, technical, controlling and researching. Each of the functions changes in virtual education. Psychology-pedagogical, organising and technical functions broaden due to a teacher’s seeking new ways of implementing traditional methods and techniques of learning in online environment coupled with online learners’ control raise. Controlling function is reduced as a result of self-check applications, but socialising function turns hard to implement owing to inability of proper group work or interaction during e-lessons or within online education in general thus disallowing an individual to feel part of a group. Also the survey pointed out that effective implementation of the functions does not depend on age, gender or years of teaching, but relies upon the level of education or the experience of online-learning/teaching as well as the degree of participation in teaching (associate, partial, shared or employing technologies). In conclusion the survey revealed the necessity of deep analysis of total online learning forced by COVID to draw positive and try to soothe negative aspects of e-learning.
Keywords: online learning, online teaching, e-learning, virtual learning, teacher functions, teacher roles, COVID learning.
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For citation: Savicheva I.A., Terekhova S.A. Roles and functions of a teacher in online learning. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 539-550. DOI: