ISSN 2409-7616

Kargapolova E.V., Dmitrieva A.O., Platova T.V.


UDC 378


Kargapolova E.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Dmitrieva A.O.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Platova T.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. This paper analyzes reading as a socio-cultural value in the views of modern Russian students (using the example of students of universities in Moscow and Astrakhan). Based on the results of two waves of empirical research, it is shown that the vast majority of students treat the book as a source of spiritual development, although there is a slight decrease in this indicator. At the same time, there is also no doubt for the majority of respondents that the art of reading needs to be taught and that the book is a “breath of hope” in a rapidly changing world. More than half of the respondents believe that public and home libraries have lost their necessity. But also more than half do not agree that e-books will completely replace books on paper. Respondents most often turn to reading works of fiction for information, pleasure and preparation for academic classes, somewhat less often – for leisure, recreation, entertainment, self-development and self-knowledge, stress relief. At the same time, the frequency of references to fiction decreases – from once a day and more often to once a week and a month. The authors conclude that the representatives of the avant–garde of youth – students – demonstrate the respect for books and reading that is traditional for Russian culture. At the same time, in a consumer society in the conditions of information noise and hypertext formats, the role of books and reading as a socio-cultural value is decreasing, which in the results of our study is manifested in a decrease in the proportion, first of all, of those who consider books a source of spiritual development, as well as a drop in the frequency of references to works of fiction.

Keywords: reading, book, socio-cultural value, reading practices, modern Russian students.


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For citation: Kargapolova E.V., Dmitrieva A.O., Platova T.V. Reading as a socio-cultural value in the views of modern Russian students. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 453-464. DOI: