ISSN 2409-7616

Klipakova D.M.


UDC 37.011.31


Klipakova D.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow Pedagogical State University

Abstract.“Pedagogical discourse” constitutes a multifaceted phenomenon that is currently gaining more interest amid modern researcher in the particular sphere of knowledge. By now, there are multiple of interpretations of the “pedagogical discourse” in the teaching methodology, and it is often mistakenly associated with “teaching context”. The present article aims at structuring the information about the given phenomenon from the multitude of analyzed literary resources that will contribute to a new outlook on it and its value in the modern educational environment. The current articles proposes the list of objectives in order to investigate the following variables of “pedagogical discourse”: the organization of the educational environment that corresponds the current request of the modern educational system; peculiarities of communication between the participants of the educational process; the role of a teacher in a modern class. The in-depth analysis of the literary sources allowed the author to specify the definition of the “pedagogical discourse”. Moreover, it helped the author to expose the certain features the are common to this particular type of discourse, which are: “the ability to the dialogical communication of a teacher” and “professionally pedagogical dialogue”. All in all, the current research was promoted by both the ambiguity of the definition of the “pedagogical discourse”, and the new educational requests imposed by the modern society and government— to increase the level of prestige of the profession of a teacher as far as modern teachers’ major task is to bring up a strong, conscientious, and sensible personalities as representatives of our country. The scrutiny of the “pedagogical discourse” in the present articles can serve other teachers a guidance that expands their professional horizons to indulge the current tendencies in education.

Keywords: discourse, pedagogical discourse, the image of a teacher, educational environment, professionally pedagogical dialogue.


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For citation: Klipakova D.M. The value of the pedagogical discourse in modern educational environment. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 178-190. DOI: