Berezutskaya A.R., Mozzherin V.D., Mingazetdinova R.F., Yelinson M.A., Khizbullina R.Z.
UDC 376.3
Berezutskaya A.R.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Mozzherin V.D.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Mingazetdinova R.F.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Yelinson M.A.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Khizbullina R.Z.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –
1Ufa University of Science and Technology
Abstract. The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of maps that were compiled in different parts of the world. In the course of the work, their differences and peculiarities of compilation are shown. Examples of maps are given. The main cartographic projections used to make a world map are described. The map is the most accessible and very effective means of activating learning in the sense of developing students’ independence, arousing their interest in the subject and establishing links between school geography and life, with the practice of applying knowledge. For example, various frontal and individual practical work can be carried out with maps in terms of content and form at any geography lessons, all kinds of tasks related to the study and economic development of the territory adjacent to an educational institution, an industrial enterprise can be solved. The value of the cards is difficult to overestimate. The map is a model of reality. It has great informativeness, visibility, visibility. This makes it the most important means of scientific knowledge in geography and in other fields of knowledge about the Earth and society. The very important importance of the map in teaching geography looms before us. The winged formula “there is no geography without a map” has a deep meaning. Studying a map is an interesting activity. K. Paustovsky wrote that “the study of an unfamiliar land always begins with a map… You can travel on the map as well as on earth.” Even if a person in later life will not be connected with geography, the map will help him feel his involvement in the vast world, will give him the opportunity to feel the happiness of knowing space. In the process of its development, nature and society are constantly changing, and therefore the created map ceases to correspond to reality over time, becomes obsolete. The requirement of modernity is one of the main properties of maps: all the cartomaterials underlying it must be modern and simultaneous. In this regard, the geography teacher faces another task – to monitor all the changes that occur and make timely amendments in order to provide students with only accurate facts.
Keywords: map, geography, school, parts of the world, projection, teacher.
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For citation: Berezutskaya A.R., Mozzherin V.D., Mingazetdinova R.F., Yelinson M.A., Khizbullina R.Z. Studying world maps of different countries in separate subjects in a modern school. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 58-70. DOI: