Zhdanova O.V.
UDC 37.01
Zhdanova O.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – o.zhdanova@adm-pushkino.ru
1Institute of Content and Methods of Teaching
Abstract. Pedagogical, as well as cultural heritage in general, represents a significant part of the educational resource of society, at the same time allowing it to be adequately represented as a unique cultural policy of the state. The preservation of historical and cultural heritage is the most important task of society and the state, its social order for education and culture. Awareness of the values of national culture, the values of personality as the basis of education, educational strategy, allow us to feel the inviolability of the foundations of cultural and educational traditions, the values of our region, our small Homeland. Without knowledge of the socio-cultural characteristics of their region, the municipal “mentality”, and pedagogical traditions, a specialist manager will not be able to fully solve the problems of preserving the pedagogical and cultural traditions of any region of Russia. Therefore, today there is no need to prove the importance of training teachers to address issues of increasing their competence in methods and forms of continuing pedagogical traditions and preserving the cultural identity of the region. The Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation sets the formation of a “highly moral personality that shares traditional Russian spiritual values” as a priority task in the area of raising children. One of the goals it sets for society is “the formation of a high level of spiritual and moral development in children, a sense of belonging to the historical and cultural community of the Russian people and the fate of Russia.”
Keywords: traditions, peculiarities of the region, regional education, training of senior personnel, cultural values, municipal education system, strategy for the development of education.
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For citation: Zhdanova O.V. On the training of employees of municipal education authorities to preserve cultural values and pedagogical traditions of the region. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp.164-170.