ISSN 2409-7616

Zhdanova O.V.


UDC 37.01


Zhdanova O.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Institute of Educational Development Strategy

Abstract. The education system has always been perceived in the Russian community as a problem of high state and public importance. At the same time, the education system has never been conceived without the institution of education; moreover, education, as the most important component of national education, has always determined the learning process. At the same time, it should be noted that the importance of education in Russian society at all historical times was perceived, understood and justified on the basis of the historically formed mentality of the Russian (Russian) people, taking into account its unique culture and its value orientations. An appeal to the history of the Moscow region, its socio-cultural heritage, where pedagogical traditions rightfully occupy a special place, can be considered as one of the effective ways to humanize modern domestic education, preserve national traditions in the context of globalization and integration of educational developing space. This process cannot take place spontaneously, but it can be carried out by specially trained personnel systematically, purposefully, relying on scientific research of forms, methods and main directions. An important role in the formation of a competent specialist should be assigned to qualified assistance from the leaders of the region, the system of advanced training, self–training – that is, all those forms that allow you to form an interest in the socio-cultural and historical-pedagogical heritage of the region and their preservation.

Keywords: socio-cultural heritage, pedagogical traditions, mentality of the region, regionalization of education, training of managerial personnel.


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For citation: Zhdanova O.V. Understanding the pedagogical and socio-cultural heritage of the region in the context of modern education problems. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 88-95. DOI: