Kodrle S. V., Savchenko A. A.
UDC 378.14:81:004.7385
Kodrle S.V.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) – sv.kodrle@bk.ru; Savchenko A.A.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) – bugaeva_anna@inbox.ru
1Kuban State University
Abstract.The article is devoted to the topical issue of students’ assessment of the digitalization of foreign language learning and teaching at university settings. The authors consider digital educational media as the basis for the digital transformation of the educational process, aimed at achieving educational results in terms of developing foreign language competence and universal skills of students. The research aims to study the influence of digital educational media on forming foreign language competence and the universal skills in students from their point of view as active subjects of the pedagogical process. The main research methods exploited by the authors include theoretical thematic analysis, systematization, generalization; survey method in the form of a written questionnaire, qualitative and quantitative content analysis; comparative, structural and functional analysis of results. The didactic essence of the concept of “digital educational media” is specified and its essential characteristics are identified in the paper. The authors propose the analytical functional classification of digital educational media employed in foreign language teaching. As a result of the study, a high degree of students’ awareness about the didactic capabilities of digital educational media to have a positive impact on the foreign language learning and teaching process and its outcomes was defined. The students’ high assessment of the degree of influence of digital media on both the formation of foreign language competence and the development of students’ universal skills was revealed. The results of a comparative analysis demonstrate that from the point of view of students, the influence of digital media on the formation of their foreign language competence is stronger than on the development of their universal skills, which indicates that students regard digital educational media as a more effective tool for achieving their educational goals in the field of foreign language learning than for self-development in the area of their universal skills. The authors have concluded that digital educational media are an effective factor which influences the learning process intensifying it, achieving educational results in the field of developing foreign language competence and universal skills of students. The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using its results in the digitalization of foreign language learning and teaching at a university.
Keywords: digital media, digital educational media, foreign language competence, universal skills of students, foreign language teaching, digitalization of education.
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For citation: Kodrle S.V., Savchenko A.A. Students’ assessment of the influence of digital educational media on the formation of foreign language competence and universal skills in students at non-linguistic university settings. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 319-332.