Valova A.A., Kosmodemyanskaya S.S.
UDC 372.8
Valova A.A.1 (Kazan, Russian Federation) –; Kosmodemyanskaya S.S.2 (Kazan, Russian Federation) –
1Gymnasium No. 102 named after. M.S. Ustinova
2Kazan Federal University
Abstract. This article examines the influence of propaedeutic work on secondary school students in the activities of a chemistry teacher. The work reveals the theoretical aspect of the concept of “propaedeutics”, its purpose and objectives, and studies the types of propaedeutic work. Methods and techniques of propaedeutic activities, focused on the formation and subsequent development of fundamental competencies among secondary school students within the framework of school chemical education, are also considered. In addition, the methods and techniques presented in the work contribute to the formation of cognitive abilities, creative and critical thinking, and communication skills in secondary school students. The facts presented above are confirmed by the results of the study, which state that the regular implementation of propaedeutic activities with secondary school students contributes to the most effective assimilation of subject results in chemistry, as well as increasing the level of interest and motivation among students in the subject of the natural science cycle. It is worth noting that when implementing propaedeutic activities in chemistry, the likelihood of “acquiring” students who are not only interested in this subject increases. Students will be ready to study it in more depth, which means that the number of potential Olympiad participants, 100-point final certification students, as well as participants and winners of various competitions and conferences is increasing. In addition, this paper presents the role of the chemistry teacher in the organization and implementation of propaedeutic activities. Comparative results of the experimental and control groups on subject results are presented.
Keywords: chemistry, teaching methods, propaedeutic activities, MEL Science, chemistry teacher.
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For citation: Valova A.A., Kosmodemyanskaya S.S. MEL Science as an element of propaedeutic activity of a chemistry teacher. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 676-687. DOI: