ISSN 2409-7616

Bykasova L.V., Podberezny V.V., Panova V.A., Trofimenko Yu.V., Samoylova A.N.


UDC 378


Bykasova L.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Podberezny V.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Panova V.A.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Trofimenko Yu.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Samoylova A.N.2 (Taganrog, Russian Federation) –

1Rostov State Economic University

2Southern Federal University

Abstract. From the perspective of axiological and hermeneutic approaches, the article examines the phenomenon of childhood, its morphology, which is a spectrum of paradigms that study the form and structure of an object, factors influencing the development of the potential of childhood, the role of the family as an important social institution aimed at educating the younger generation and socializing the individual. The authors made an attempt to reflect on the conceptual principles on which the tactics and strategy of educational work with children in a modern family are based through the prism of the changing attributes of human existence, which makes it possible to identify the multilinear development of the phenomenon of “childhood” through the analysis of pedagogical and psychological correlates, and also to identify those interested whose ideas and meanings manifest the dynamics of educational initiatives: they convey a pluralism of opinions in matters of personal education; form ideological guidelines in the socialization of modern children; determine environmental directions for their comfortable and conflict-free existence in the global world; clearly indicate the main approaches to the education of legal hygiene of the younger generation; strive to level out the emergence of a risky situation for children due to the marginalization of this group of the country’s population, subject to negative external influences from certain criminal elements of society. The appeal to this topic is explained by the close attention of the Government of the Russian Federation to family issues as the support of society in the formation of the individual, his morality and ethics. The family is considered by the authors in the article as a discursive space with a variety of environments artificially created for the mental, physical, and labor development of the individual, for the formation of his culture and citizenship.

Keywords: childhood, traditional values, mentality, child protection, education, becoming a citizen.


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For citation: Bykasova L.V., Podberezny V.V., Panova V.A., Trofimenko Yu.V., Samoylova A.N. Morphology of childhood. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 541-552. DOI: