Gazieva Z.Kh., Yusupalieva L.N.
UDC 378:372.8(47)
Gazieva Z.Kh.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) –; Yusupalieva L.N.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) –
1Astrakhan State Medical University
Abstract. The article discusses the difficulties that foreign students encounter when studying the phonetics of the Russian language. The authors focus on the peculiarities of setting sizzling sounds and the sound [ts] in classes of Russian as a foreign language (hereinafter — RFL). The purpose of the article is to consider how the formation of phonetic skills occurs in foreign students at the initial stage of mastering RFL. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the development of phonetic skills is one of the main tasks in teaching RFL, since a correctly formed sound side of speech helps solve communicative problems for the successful learning of students. The article reveals the fact that at the stage of sound production the main thing is the development of auditory perception and strengthening of the articulatory apparatus. The authors focus on the analysis of difficulties in the pronunciation of sizzling consonant sounds and ways to solve them using various exercises in RFL classes. The article substantiates the idea of the importance of a culture of verbal communication through the formation of elements of spoken speech. Considerable attention is paid to practicing sizzing sounds and [ts] in practical classes on elementary level RFL. The article reflects the problem of perception and distinction between voiced and voiceless, hard and soft consonant sounds [zh], [sh], [ch], [sch], [ts]. The authors of this article come to the conclusion that exercises on pronunciation and differentiation of these sounds occupy an important place. At the end of the article, examples of tasks recommended for use in RFL classes are provided.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, sizzling sounds, setting, foreign student, phonetic skill.
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For citation: Gazieva Z.Kh., Yusupalieva L.N. Features of setting sizzling sounds and [ts] in classes of the Russian as a foreign language. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 395-403. DOI: