ISSN 2409-7616

Malyugina A.V., Varushkina A.V., Talagaeva Y.A.


UDC 378.147                                                         


Malyugina A.V.1 (Voronezh, Russian Federation) –; Varushkina A.V.2 (Voronezh, Russian Federation) –; Talagaeva Y.A.2 (Voronezh, Russian Federation) –

1Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

2Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin

Abstract. The paper examines the peculiarities of teaching English interaction with foreign citizens in emergency situations to police and military cadets of Russia in the framework of professional practice-oriented training. The topicality of the research is conditioned by a large number of various emergency situations today. It is law enforcers that are involved in dealing with them in most cases. It is important for them not only to know the procedure of actions in certain emergency situations, but also aspects of verbal interaction with the people involved, including foreign citizens. Their lives and health, prevention of dangerous situations and unjustified escalation of violence depend largely on whether the security forces have the skills to carry out immediate and effective foreign language communication. The paper substantiates the importance of communicative practice-oriented English training in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and military academies. As a result of a survey of police officers studying at Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a communicative lexical minimum necessary for interaction with foreign citizens in emergency situations has been formed. Taking into account the peculiarities of training in a departmental educational organization, consisting in the necessity to combine military professional training with the general specialist training in accordance with the state standards of higher education, the most effective techniques for teaching foreign-language interaction with foreign citizens in emergency situations to police officers have been revealed and applied. The author describes personal experience in developing and applying electronic educational textbooks, as well as modeling of typical professional situations related to natural and technogenic emergencies, terrorist acts, mass riots, etc. requiring the use of the English language by law enforcers. The experience described in the paper can be used for the development of innovative information and teaching technologies.

Keywords: foreign language, practice-oriented training, cadet, police/ military departmental academies, special conditions, emergencies, verbal interaction, foreign citizens, modeling, electronic textbook.


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For citation: Malyugina A.V., Varushkina A.V., Talagaeva Y.A. Teaching policemen to use English while interacting with foreigners in an emergency. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 359-372. DOI: