Finogeeva Т.Е.
UDC 373.016:331-048.42(470+571)
Finogeeva Т.Е.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –
1Lugansk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. Labor education of schoolchildren contributes to the development of their personality, forms value orientations towards work and basic norms of social interaction. It helps children become active and independent participants in social life, teaches them to solve problems and overcome difficulties, which is an important condition for successful development not only at school, but also in modern society as a whole. The age characteristics of schoolchildren require certain approaches to labor education. The return of labor education to the education system today is not just a political decision, but also a requirement of life itself, since depriving a child of the opportunity to apply his strength in living practice contradicts the traditions of the peoples of Russia, the long-term tasks of the country’s development, as well as the fundamental principles of the harmonious development of the individual. Awareness of the importance of labor (technological) education for modern schoolchildren involves the search for ways to increase its effectiveness. The study of the historical experience of the adoption of legislative acts in the field of labor training will create a qualitatively new, innovative regulatory and legal support for the effective functioning of labor (technological) education of schoolchildren. The article examines the regulatory and legal foundations of labor education for schoolchildren in the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century. The analysis of legislative acts of the end of the XIX century in the field of labor education of children (using the example of various types of educational institutions) is carried out. The normative and legal support of children’s education in factory schools, vocational schools, schools of craft students, lower craft schools is considered.
Keywords: regulatory framework, labor training, training of young children, manual labor, factory schools, schools of craft students.
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For citation: Finogeeva Т.Е. The normative and legal foundations of the labor education of schoolchildren in the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 227-235. DOI: