Rezer T.M., I Lianwen
UDC 378.147.88
Rezer T.M.1 (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation) –; I Lianwen1 (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation) –
1Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Abstract. The article proves the possibility of implementing the principle of interdisciplinarity in the professional training of music teachers for general education and other institutions in China. The issues of interdisciplinarity have not been fully studied in the training of music teachers in China and Russia at the current stage of education development. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate the content of the principle of interdisciplinarity and the classification of types of interdisciplinarity of disciplines as forms of its implementation, to develop a modular educational program for the professional training of music teachers. The research methodology is based on the use of an interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to combine disciplines into modules of the educational program without violating the main content of the disciplines and their goal-setting. The method of theoretical analysis is used to substantiate the content of the principle of interdisciplinarity and the classification of forms of its implementation. The article uses works that investigated the phenomenon of interdisciplinarity in the training of specialists in Russia and China. Scientific novelty: 1) the definition of the principle of interdisciplinarity in the professional training of music teachers is given, which is understood as a scientific principle aimed at the active use of different forms of interdisciplinarity of disciplines in the educational process; 2) theoretically justified different types of interdisciplinarity of disciplines: overlap of content; interdependence; sharing methods of different disciplines; additional knowledge; interdisciplinary fields of knowledge that can be used as separate forms of implementation of the principle of interdisciplinarity. Practical significance: a modular educational program has been developed for the professional training of music teachers, consisting of modules: musical performance, management, digital technology module and teacher communication module. Conclusion: the use of the principle of interdisciplinarity in the professional training of music teachers opens up the possibility of obtaining a new quality of learning outcome in the form of the formation of new competencies among specialists based on the integration of the content of educational disciplines and the implementation of various forms of the principle of interdisciplinarity.
Keywords: music teacher, professional training, the principle of interdisciplinarity, music education, interdisciplinary connections, types and forms of interdisciplinarity.
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For citation: Rezer T.M., I Lianwen The implementation of the principle of interdisciplinarity in the professional training of music teachers in China. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 173-188. DOI: