ISSN 2409-7616

Sukhotinova A.S.


UDC 37.091.33:37.014.3


Sukhotinova A.S.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –

1Luhansk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. Problems of the theory of teaching methods have been studied by educational scientists for many years. And in turn, at the present stage of development of domestic didactics, there is a surge of scientific interest in the research of past years, especially in the works and achievements of Soviet-era teachers. After the introduction of the general theory of systems into scientific circulation, the concepts of “method” and “system” became widespread. The pedagogical views of the classics of Soviet pedagogy as the theory and practice of communist education were combined into a system with a dialectical method. The article is devoted to the characteristic of the process of development of the theory of teaching methods in the Soviet didactics in the 80s of the XX century. In the studied period a number of authors of the final fundamental works of classical pedagogical science on this topic are distinguished. The influence of the latest Soviet educational reform on the emergence of new scientific private didactic ideas of teachers and their all-Union fame in the pedagogical society is analyzed, the trend of decreasing number of publications in periodic pedagogical publications by the end of 80of the years concerning the theory of teaching methods.

Keywords: Soviet didactics, theory of teaching methods, teaching methods, educational reform, Soviet teachers.


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For citation: Sukhotinova A.S. On some aspects of the development of the theory of teaching methods in the soviet didactics of the 1980s. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 165-172. DOI: