Bykasova L.V., Samoylova A.N.
UDC 378
Bykasova L.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Samoylova A.N.2 (Taganrog, Russian Federation) –
1Rostov State Economic University
2Southern Federal University
Abstract. From the standpoint of epistemological and functional approaches, the article attempts to reflect on distance education through the prism of anthropology, whose evolution, formation and development were carried out in the process of historical, social, cultural formation of the subject and society. Consideration of the multidimensionality of the phenomenon of distance education helps to identify its conceptual ideas, methodological framework, and methodological content; determining the semantic and connotational load, reflecting the cultural traditions of society, the specificity of individual sciences, the accentuation of the subject in the field of distance education, the universality of its status; identifying lines of demarcation to determine the geometry and effects of distance education, the possibility of its development under the influence of scientific thought, which allows us to conclude that distance education has an anthropological foundation. The authors conduct a typological analysis of the concepts introduced into the framework of scientific research, which states the anthropological dimension of distance education, describes the increasing level of cognitive complexity of educational practices, scales the information trail of the subject of modern education, his passionarity. Interest in the subject of modern education – homo informaticus – is explained by the need to harmonize the personality structure of a young person of the 21st century, striving to successfully overcome social turbulence, to choose the optimal trajectory from a wide educational palette that allows one to open new horizons of knowledge, comprehend thought forms, learn new languages and approaches to comprehend the world. The attention of the scientific community to the development of distance education through the prism of anthropology is explained by its mission, its role in modernizing the infrastructure of society, increasing the reliability and efficiency of the ecosystem, and demonstrating new standards of modern educational design.
Keywords: distance education, anthropology, cognition, culture, thinking ability, communication.
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For citation: Bykasova L.V., Samoylova A.N. Anthropological dimension distance education. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 117-128. DOI: