ISSN 2409-7616

Ivanov A.V.


UDC 37.01


Ivanov A.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow City Pedagogical University

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problems of new education in the aspect of spiritual education of children and adolescents, identifying priority areas of human spiritual development based on modern research in various fields of scientific knowledge, in the field of modern culture, information technology. Spiritual education of a person for the development of his spiritual consciousness is a purposeful activity of the educator to create conditions aimed at the formation, development and self-development of various spiritual qualities and abilities of the pupil in the process of cognition and activity based on spiritual values. Spiritual development is a process aimed at spiritual improvement, creative attitude to the improvement of qualities that ensure awareness of the Higher Self. Research objectives: to determine the relevance of the research; to identify the leading ideas and problems of human spiritual development; to identify possible ways of educational activity and human development. The leading ways include: the idea of awareness of the purpose of education, the idea of training a new teacher, corresponding not only to today, but also to the Future, the idea of interaction between the teacher and the student, based on cooperation and mutual assistance. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are the introspective-communicative approach (A.V. Ivanov), which includes axiological, philosophical and activity-based approaches that allow us to consider this issue in a synthesis. The study of the problem of spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents on the basis of the above approaches will reveal one of the leading directions of modern education. The article reveals the basic ideas of spiritual and moral development of a person that determine the formation of spiritual consciousness. The materials of the article are of practical value for researchers of problems of education, students, teachers of schools.

Keywords: introspective-communicative approach, spiritual education, spiritual development, spiritual consciousness, interaction, individuality.


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For citation:

Ivanov A.V. Conceptual ideas of new education in the context of the information educational paradigm. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.188-198. DOI: