Krivko Y.P., Efanina Yu.V.
UDC 373.1
Krivko Y.P.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –; Efanina Yu.V.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –
1Lugansk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The experience of practicing teachers convinces us that there is no ready-made recipe for success, no single model for educating a creative personality, and the student’s creativity is the result of the teacher’s creativity. Only a creative person can nurture a creative personality. However, not every teacher can work creatively. Most teachers can study and use advanced pedagogical experience and, on the basis of it, test the conditions and forms of educational work that lead to success. Innovative teacher V.F. Shatalov created his own successful, logically sound and consistent methodological system of intensive training. The article examines the ways of interaction between school and family, proposed by V.F. Shatalov in his work according to his methodological system. The possibilities and features of implementing interaction between school and family through parents visiting experimental classes are considered; inclusion of parents in the educational process; monitoring of students’ educational achievements, carried out in the presence of parents. The high efficiency and relevance of the methodological system is noted not only in the study of mathematics, but also in other school subjects. However, the method of V.F Shatalov’s has both her followers and her critics. Therefore, there is also a negative opinion about it, based on the fact that this methodological system was never implemented everywhere, even though it had economic benefits. The positive and negative sides of V.F Shatalov’s methodological system are highlighted.
Keywords: interaction of school and family, methodical system of V.F. Shatalov, system of intensive training, work with parents, experimental classes.
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For citation: Krivko Y.P., Efanina Yu.V. Interaction of school and family in V.F. Shatalov’s methodological system. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 106-116. DOI: