ISSN 2409-7616

Yakovleva E.V., Illarionova L.P.


UDC 378


Yakovleva E.V.1 (Mytishchi, Russian Federation) –; Illarionova L.P.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1State University of Education

2Russian State Social University

Abstract. An important feature of pedagogical activity is the continuous development and improvement of the teacher, which determines the quality of his professional activity. The active digitalization of the educational process of a modern university has expanded the boundaries of independent work of a student – a future teacher in extracurricular time. The article discusses the possibilities of organizing extracurricular independent work of future history teachers by the example of studying the discipline “Pedagogy” using digital technologies. The importance of this educational activity for the formation of cognitive-digital competence among future history teachers is revealed. The definition of cognitive-digital competence of a history teacher as a professionally significant quality is given. The necessity of forming a future teacher’s critical thinking, skills to study, verify and analyze historical information obtained on the Internet is proved. The main task of students’ independent work at the university is to acquire skills and abilities of independent cognitive activity using modern methods of obtaining and processing information. In this regard, the article offers methodological recommendations on the organization of independent work of students – future history teachers. The results of an empirical study on the level of critical thinking development in future history teachers are shown. The content of the main stages of the student’s independent work according to the recommendations of the teacher is revealed: the choice of the source of information; the comparison of the opinions of scientists and teachers on the issue under consideration; the presentation of the results and the preparation of the presentation of the report. The possibilities of managing students’ independent work are shown by the example of studying one of the topics of the course “Pedagogy”.

Keywords: extracurricular independent work, readiness for self-education, information sources, cognitive activity, cognitive-digital competence.


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For citation:  Yakovleva E.V., Illarionova L.P. Extracurricular independent work as a condition for the formation of cognitive and digital competence of a future history teacher at the university. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 53-63. DOI: