Goryachih M.V., Slashchev M.M., Mabiala G., Linsky D.V., Kalmius A.V.
UDC 338
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2024.1.01
Goryachih M.V.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – goryachih@ieu.cfuv.ru; Slashchev M.M.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – smfxz0r@gmail.com; Mabiala G.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – gilmabiala@mail.ru; Linsky D.V.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – linskydv@rambler.ru; Kalmius A.V.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – santanassa@mail.ru
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Abstract.The article examines the essence of the concept of “self-sufficiency” of the state of enterprise development, suggests its main characteristics and conditions for the functioning of economic activity. On the basis of the analysis, external and internal factors that negatively affect the level of self-sufficiency of the activities of the branches of activity are determined. It is established that today the majority of economic agents have a very low level of economic efficiency in relation to the generated profit, the formation of investments due to depreciation policy and labor cost indicators. At the same time, according to relative indicators, this sector of the economy is characterized by the greatest tax burden due to the payment of rent for the special use of various resources and the implementation of payments on the generated profit according to two calculations relative to the general taxation system and deductions from net profit for enterprises with state ownership. Summarizing the results of the research of scientific literature and applying content analysis, the definition of the essence of the concept of “self-sufficiency” of the economic system is proposed as the ability to maintain and strengthen their stable positions in certain market segments; to optimize the resultant economic indicators that form value added and its structural elements at the level of the possibility of independent systematic investment; to ensure development through expanded reproduction of economic activity on the basis of rational use of its potential, as well as the creation of conditions for its expansion. It is proposed to use a model of factor analysis of the ratio of indicators of value added, labor cost and net income created to assess the level of self-sufficiency of economic agents.
Keywords: self-sufficiency, regulation, economic system, economic agents, value added, state of activity.
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For citation: Goryachih M.V., Slashchev M.M., Mabiala G., Linsky D.V., Kalmius A.V. Self-sufficiency as an object of regulation economic system and providing economic activities. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 7-22. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2024.1.01