ISSN 2409-7616

Kokoreva O.I., Bashinova S.N.


UDC 373


Kokoreva O.I.1 (Tula, Russian Federation) –, Bashinova S.N.2 (Kazan, Russian Federation) –

1Tula State Pedagogical University named after L. N. Tolstoy

2Kazan Federal University

Abstract.  The article examines the problem of developing creative imagination in older preschoolers in terms of its solution using the material of decorative drawing within the framework of the regional component of preschool education for children with speech impairments. The use of elements of folk crafts in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational organization is considered by the authors as a means of stimulating the development of creative imagination in children with speech impairments. An analysis is given of the research in Russian psychology into the problem of developing the imagination of preschool children as a mental function that consistently develops in different types of activity. Data from studies are presented that prove the negative impact of speech disorders on the development of children’s creative imagination and reveal that the difficulties in forming imagination in preschoolers are determined by the composition and degree of complexity of speech defects. An analysis of the works of modern authors concerning the study of the possibilities and conditions for using various types of children’s activities for development of creative imagination. The article presents the results of an experimental study confirming the author’s position on the possibility of successfully overcoming deficiencies in the development of creative imagination in 6-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment, due to the specifics of speech impairment. The author’s program for developing the creative imagination of older preschoolers in drawing based on the Tula gingerbread is presented. Characteristics of the content and technology of work at each stage of the program are given. An analysis of empirical data obtained before and after the end of the experimental work is presented, confirming the authors’ opinion about the possibility of successful development of creative imagination in 6-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment.

Keywords: creative imagination, children of senior preschool age, visual activity, general speech underdevelopment, regional component, correctional and developmental program.


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For citation:  Kokoreva O.I., Bashinova S.N. Theoretical and technological aspects of the development of creative imagination in senior preschool children in drawing based on the tula gingerbread. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 548-558. DOI: