Bigaeva M.Kh., Khadasheva S.A.
UDC 378
Bigaeva M.Kh.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –, Khadasheva S.A.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –
1North Ossetian city State University named after K.L. Khetagurova
Abstract. The article is devoted to identifying the pedagogical foundations for increasing the personal potential of students – future teachers in the conditions of a modern information and digital society. In an ever-changing world, the problem of improving the educational, educational, didactic, socializing spheres of public policy has arisen, which has led to the need to study the problem of increasing personal potential as an effective technology for managing the personal development of students – future teachers, a more thoughtful interaction of the education system with the production sector, strengthening practical oriented component of the educational process. The leading trends in the modernization of modern education are the appeal of pedagogical activity to the individual, as the main subject of the educational and cognitive process, as well as the further introduction of a competency-based approach aimed at the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies proposed by new state educational standards. As practice has shown, those innovative approaches and technologies come to the forefront in the modern educational space, thanks to which the education system acquires the ability to self-organize, while maintaining and developing advanced domestic practices in training, education and socialization of students. The development of professionally important qualities of a specialist, among which one of the most significant is personal development, today is an urgent problem in the conditions of any professional activity. Thus, the process of organizing effective management of innovative processes and technologies in the modern education system, based on a thorough comprehensive study and critical analysis of the main mechanisms of its activities, taking into account forecasting the results of innovative approaches, has emerged as a problem requiring scientific understanding in pedagogical theory and practice.
Keywords: education, personal development, personal potential, innovative processes, self-development, self-determination, professional development of future teachers.
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For citation: Bigaeva M.Kh., Khadasheva S.A. Pedagogical basics of increasing the personal potential of students – future teachers. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 479-486. DOI: