ISSN 2409-7616

Valieva T.I., Tibilova I.D.


UDC 371


Valieva T.I.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –, Tibilova I.D.2 (Tskhinval, Republic of South Ossetia) –

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov

2South Ossetian State Universit named after A.A. Tibilov

Abstract. The purpose of the research in the presented article is to identify the nature of the influence of literary reading on the level of development of the creative abilities of children of primary school age. In this regard, the article reveals the role of literary reading as an effective guide in the formation of creative abilities of primary school students, visually presents methods and techniques for studying the flexibility of thinking, creative abilities, creative imagination, which together determine the degree of manifestation of the creative potential of junior schoolchildren. The uniqueness of literary reading lies in the fact that literary works are completely understandable to children; in them, like in no other form of art, children find echoes of their own lives. The authors of the article prove the thesis that the issues of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren through literary reading are one of the pressing issues of modern pedagogical theory and practice. Under the creative abilities of junior schoolchildren, the article examines the complex capabilities of schoolchildren in the process of educational, cognitive and educational activities aimed at the development and implementation of new educational products. Creative abilities, as integrative qualities of a person, are determined by creative thinking, creative imagination, readiness to use various techniques and means of creative activity, skills in posing problems and independently solving them based on divergent thinking, that is, by generating several solutions to solve a given problem. The authors propose the “School of Russia” as the highest priority educational and methodological complex for the successful implementation of literary reading, as an effective means of developing creative abilities.

Keywords: creative potential, literary reading, primary schoolchildren, creative imagination, educational and methodological complex.


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For citation: Valieva T.I., Tibilova I.D. Development of creative potential of students by means of literary reading. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 439-448. DOI: