ISSN 2409-7616

Muskhanova I.V., Mamuev A.M., Usamov I.R.


UDC 376.2


Muskhanova I.V.1 (Grozny, Russian Federation) –, Mamuev A.M.1 (Grozny, Russian Federation) –, Usamov I.R.2 (Grozny, Russian Federation) –

1Chechen State Pedagogical University

2Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov

Abstract. The article examines the view of a family raising a child with disabilities on inclusive education. The authors conducted a study to find out the opinion and expectations of families regarding inclusive education and its impact on the development of a child with disabilities. During the study, parents and close relatives of children with various disabilities were interviewed, including children with autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, speech disorders and others. The study examined two types of families raising children with disabilities: parents of preschool children (50 people) and parents of school-age children (50 people). The researchers examined the attitude of families to inclusion, the degree of involvement in the educational process, the level of trust in the educational system and the determination of the best way to teach and raise a child with disabilities. The authors found that many families highly value inclusive education and see it as an opportunity for the socialization and development of their child. They highly appreciate the opportunity for their child to study together with their peers without disabilities, participate in the social life of the school and develop their abilities. However, some families also expressed concerns about the lack of an individual approach and the need to adapt educational programs for children with disabilities. The study also showed that many families expect more support and assistance from the educational system in the education and development of their child. They expressed the need for individual planning of the educational process, specialized teaching methods and opportunities for regular feedback from the school. Families also stressed the importance of interacting with educators, specialists and other parents to provide an optimal environment for their child’s learning and development. Based on the results of the study, the authors recommend that educational institutions pay special attention to the needs and expectations of families raising children with disabilities. Parents suggest developing individual training plans and support, as well as creating mechanisms for effective communication with parents. They also emphasize the importance of educating teachers in the field of inclusive education and creating specialized conditions for teaching children with disabilities.

Ключевые слова: inclusion, inclusive education, inclusive process, special educational needs, educational environment, limited health opportunities, parents, parents of children with disabilities, psychological and pedagogical support, parental support.


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For citation: Muskhanova I.V., Mamuev A.M., Usamov I.R. The view of a family raising a child with disabilities on inclusive education. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 281-291. DOI: