ISSN 2409-7616

Tsoraeva F.N.


UDC 371


Tsoraeva F.N.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

Abstract. The relevance of the problem of developing and implementing innovative educational technologies as a means of improving educational potential in a modern educational organization is due to the need to modernize the entire education system in connection with global transformations that have affected all areas of government structures. In the conditions of the modern information society, educational activities, as a professionally organized process of socialization of the younger generation, are characterized by versatility, multidimensionality, and innovative orientation. This suggests that in educational organizations the problem of developing and introducing innovative educational technologies into the educational process has become urgent, requiring fundamentally new mechanisms for interaction between participants in the educational process. Undoubtedly, the educational potential of technologies in educational organizations will continuously grow if appropriate pedagogical conditions are created for this. In this regard, the article is devoted to the problem of implementing innovative technologies and approaches that help increase the educational potential of the learning process, including: student-oriented, axiological, reflective-activity, integrative-variative. Based on the listed approaches, the article proposes the main directions for expanding the educational potential of innovative educational technologies by providing teachers with freedom to choose the content and forms of organizing educational work, and also determines the pedagogical conditions for nurturing the subjective position of students, facilitating understanding of the need and need for acquiring knowledge and methods of activity , formation of socially significant qualities in students, mastering the skills of using theoretical knowledge in practical activities, including solving non-standard problems. Educational technologies in the modern educational environment are developed on the basis of fundamental scientific research, reflecting conceptual provisions on the unity of personality and activity, on the integrity of the educational process within the framework of strategic innovations, etc.

Keywords: education, training, educational potential of training, educational organization, innovative educational technologies.


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For citation: Tsoraeva F.N. Pedagogical conditions for increasing the educational potential of educational technologies. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 273-280. DOI: