Neretina T.G.
UDC 37.04
Neretina T.G.1 (Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation) – neretinat
1Magnitogorsk state technical university named after G.I. Nosova
Abstract. The article examines the use of art-pedagogical technology “My Name” in educational practice. Art pedagogy as a new innovative direction in pedagogy has an effective potential in solving various educational, educational, and developing problems. The use of art-pedagogical technologies, techniques makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the pedagogical process, ensures its effectiveness due to a positive emotional impact on the person of the student, involving him in types of creative activity interesting for him, associated with individual opportunities and abilities. The attitude of personality to oneself is an important psychological component of self-acceptance and this process begins at an early age through one’s own name, the attitude of parents, friends, reference persons to this name. Many psychological problems of the personality are associated with the fact that a person does not accept himself, as he is ashamed of his name, which he does not like. At the same time, it is through the name that the child from childhood feels the attention, love, care of parents, respect for others. Therefore, it is so important that parents and teachers understand that through an appeal to a child by name, he forms the latter’s value, or vice versa, attitude towards himself. Anthroponymic scholars emphasize the association of a person’s name with the practical, social, cultural, historical, and ethical aspects of the individual. Developing the art-pedagogical technology “My Name,” the author stands on the position of generalizing some pedagogical techniques of working with a person’s name (drawing, decorating, searching for information, generalizing, specifying, analyzing, etc.). Working with a name according to the method of determining color involves a deeper study and understanding of your own name, finding its different options, acquaintance with other names, the development of creative thinking, self-expression, self-acceptance and self-presentation. The use of this technology increases the efficiency of the process of self-perception of oneself through one’s name, the perception of oneself as a social value.
Keywords: art-pedagogical technology, my name, self-expression, self-acceptance, self-presentation, self-knowledge, color determination technique.
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For citation: Neretina T.G. The use of art pedagogical technology “My name” in educational practice. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 108-116. DOI: