ISSN 2409-7616

Markina T.V.


UDC 378


Markina T.V.1 (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation) –

1Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin

Abstract.The training of modern aviation specialists has a versatile focus. Thus, the aspects of the educational process of an aviation military university include directly professional training aimed at obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills, physical and psychological training and military education. At the same time, according to the author, ensuring the high quality of training of aviation specialists is achieved through the development of their professionally important qualities. They largely determine the level of development of professional reliability of students. However, among scientific publications, there are single works covering the issues of professional reliability of aviation military university students and its formation. It seems to the author that for the qualitative organization of the educational process in the conditions of a military university, it is necessary to develop a set of pedagogical conditions for its formation. The analysis of scientific publications and the author’s work experience in the structure of an aviation military university made it possible, on the basis of the provisions of the system, subject-environment and problem-activity approaches, to formulate these conditions and conduct their conceptual analysis. These conditions include: encouraging of aviation military university students to professional development, and their stimulation (aimed at encouraging aviation military university students and forming subjectivity); inter-subject communication in the course of pedagogical support for aviation military university students (aimed at optimizing the environment itself and supporting aviation military university students); ensuring reflective interaction in a quasi-professional environment (aimed at interacting with current professionals in order to maximize the formation of professional reliability). In the article, the author considers the key aspects of the developed pedagogical conditions that contribute to improving the quality of the process of forming the professional reliability of aviation military university students.

Keywords:professional reliability, military university students, aviation military university, pedagogical conditions, subjectivity, environment.


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For citation: Markina T.V. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional reliability of aviation military university students. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 471-483. DOI: