ISSN 2409-7616

Volkhin S.N., Nikitina N.I., Vasilyeva T.V.


UDC 37.013


Volkhin S.N.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Nikitina N.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Vasilyeva T.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Russian State Social University

2Moscow City Pedagogical University

Abstract. The anthropological approach to the continuous professional training of educational psychologists is one of the basic methodological approaches to the process of professional development of a socionomic (helping) specialist. This approach has a fairly rich history of its theoretical (scientific and conceptual) justification. The article discusses the reasons that actualize the objective need for the implementation of the anthropological approach in the system of continuous professional education of educational psychologists, and also determine the demand for these specialists to develop an epistemic culture. The authors state that the professional culture of a teacher-psychologist must be multidimensional, broad and deep enough to successfully cope with complex professional tasks, new challenges in the educational environment, social sphere, and psychological and pedagogical practice. In the structure of the professional culture of a teacher-psychologist, a special place is occupied by such a component (professional subculture) as epistemic culture. The article reveals the substantive essence of this culture, which is necessary for a modern educational psychologist to effectively solve professional problems. The article examines the features of the implementation of the anthropological approach in the system of continuous professional education of educational psychologists with the aim of forming and developing their epistemic culture. An important component of the epistemic culture of an educational psychologist is epistemic responsibility. The article discusses some difficulties that arise (may arise) in the process of implementing the anthropological approach in the system of continuous professional education “university – postgraduate education” of specialists in psychological and pedagogical profiles.

Keywords: anthropological approach, continuing professional education, educational psychologist, epistemic culture, epistemic responsibility.


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For citation: Volkhin S.N., Nikitina N.I., Vasilyeva T.V. An anthropological approach to the formation of the epistemic culture of educational psychologists in system of continuous professional education. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 424-434. DOI: