ISSN 2409-7616

Lomov S.P., Volenko O.I., Zubrilin K.M.


UDC 378.4


Lomov S.P.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Volenko O.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Zubrilin K.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow State Pedagogical University

Abstract. In recent years, the development and sometimes even the very existence of many scientific schools has been drastically suspended in our Fatherland for a number of reasons: funding cuts, the transition of a number of scientists to other fields of activity, the departure of some of them abroad, etc. Therefore, in the pedagogical, psychological and some other sciences, the task of moral and material support of scientific schools is acute in order to ensure their further development. In this regard, there is a need to turn to the problem of clarifying the status of scientific schools, determining their more accurate features and characteristics. This article is of a historical and biographical nature, and we hope that it will help in revealing the history of the formation of the national scientific school of art education and upbringing, which has received scientific recognition and has significant results by getting acquainted with the stages of life and work of one of its founders – Kuzin Vladimir Sergeevich. The long-term existence of the scientific school of the famous Soviet and Russian teacher-psychologist, authoritative scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.S. and methods of research work, training of scientific personnel.

Keywords: Kuzin V.S., fine arts, drawing from nature, textbooks on fine arts.


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For citation:  Lomov S.P., Volenko O.I., Zubrilin K.M. Vladimir Kuzin and his scientific school. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 293-305. DOI: