Savelieva E.V., Kurisheva O.A.
UDC 372.893
Savelieva E.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Kurisheva O.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH)
Abstract. The article presents an overview of modern network and mobile resources, information technologies, digital tools used in teaching the course “History” to foreign students of preparatory faculties. An attempt is made to analyze them to identify the appropriateness of their use in the educational process. The article is practice-oriented and is an attempt to systematize and generalize the accumulated experience. The relevance of the topic is due to the needs of the digitalization of education and the possibilities of ever-expanding interactive content. At the same time, there is a certain specificity in the use of digital tools when working with foreign students, considered on the example of the History course for preparatory faculties. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that information technologies can be successfully applied within the framework of the course “History”, however, work with foreign students may have its own specifics that affect the choice of specific methods and technologies. In this paper, an attempt was made to analyze modern information technologies in order to identify their applicability in working with foreign students within the framework of the course “History”. An analysis was made of the most popular digital tools used in history classes. A pedagogical experiment was conducted with foreign students of the preparatory faculty of 2021-2022 of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State University of Food Production” (BIOTECH University), which showed that digital tools make it easier for the teacher and make the learning process more effective for students. But foreign students, of course, differ in their specifics (which also depends on the region from which they came), which must also be taken into account when attracting this or that digital content.
Keywords: foreign students, preparatory faculty, History course, online resource, mobile application, information technology, digital tools.
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For citation: Savelieva E.V., Kurisheva O.A. Features of the application of information technologies in teaching history to foreign students. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 139-148. DOI: