ISSN 2409-7616

Bonkalo T.I., Malkov A.A.


UDc 378.4:378.113.2


Bonkalo T.I.1,2 (Krasnodar, Moscow, Russian Federation) –

Malkov A.A.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –

1Kuban State University

2Research Institute for Health Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow City Health Department

Abstract. The article is devoted to the actual problem of developing effective integrative technologies for the formation of meta-subject skills in students of general education schools, which are considered by the authors as one of the important components of metacognitive competence. The article presents the results of experimental work aimed at developing the skills of semantic reading of students by means of integrative technologies, integrating game and information technologies, developing and problem-based learning technologies, which can be used both in classes for additional education of children, and in lessons of literature and other subjects. humanitarian cycle. The authors introduce game techniques and integrative strategies for teaching meaningful reading and present the results of a formative experiment in which such integrative strategies were included in the program for additional education of students “Meaningful Reading”. The formative experiment was attended by teenagers of different ages attending classes in the Meaningful Reading circle. Experimental data convincingly prove the effectiveness of integrative pre-text, text and post-text strategies, including game techniques and developmental learning techniques in the formation of individual meta-subject skills in students that make up the skill of meaningful reading. At the end of the experiment, the participants showed positive dynamics in all indicators of meaningful reading skills, which allows us to conclude that it is necessary and expedient to develop integrative strategies in other academic subjects in order to achieve meta-subject results.

Keyword: meaningful reading, meta-subject results, metacognitive competence, integrative strategies, game technologies.


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For citation:  Bonkalo T.I., Malkov A.A. Integrative strategies for teaching semantic reading as a means of achieving metasubject results. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 104-116. DOI: