ISSN 2409-7616

Bocharova T.A.


UDC 378.1


Bocharova T.A.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) –

1Pacific State University

Abstract. Education is a key aspect of the development of an individual and society as a whole. Social, political, economic and spiritual changes inevitably entail changes in the educational environment. In the modern world, the very definition of the concept of education has also changed: it is not the result of the systematic acquisition and assimilation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but a systematized process of accumulation, transformation and transfer of social experience, the success of which is determined by practice orientation and continuity at all its stages. Ensuring continuity between general and vocational education is one of the tasks that the introduced specialized education in the senior classes should solve. This article attempts to highlight the main problems caused by these fundamental changes in the class structure of the modern school, which graduates face during the school / university transition. The results of a sociological study, which was attended by first-year students of the Institute of Law and the Institute of Socio-Political Technologies and Communications of the Pacific State University, made it possible to put forward a hypothesis: the lack of formation of professional motivation when choosing a profile class; focus on the results of exams, and not on the specifics and profile of the specialty when choosing the direction of study after school; the need to make an early professional choice actually as early as the 8th grade; limited specificity of specialized subject groups, which excludes the possibility of studying disciplines of different subject areas at an in-depth level; inconsistency in the curricula of schools and universities, leading to problems of teaching at a university caused by different levels of training within the same discipline of graduates from different profile classes; the difficulty of changing the profile if necessary; The “non-universality” of the option of non-core education in universal classes is an extremely important issue, the solution of which is possible only within the framework of the joint work of general education and higher educational institutions to ensure the continuity of specialized education and update certain professionally significant competencies.

Keywords: career guidance, specialized training, continuity of education, school, university, attestation, Unified State Exam.


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For citation:  Bocharova T.A. Problems of continuity of profile training at school and university. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 80-92. DOI: