ISSN 2409-7616

Timokhina T.V., Akhmetshina I.A., Izmailova R.G., Kolycheva G.Yu., Merenkova D.E.


UDC 373.2


Timokhina T.V.1 (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation) –, Akhmetshina I.A.1 (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation) –, Izmailova R.G.1 (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation) –, Kolycheva G.Yu.1 (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation) –, Merenkova D.E.1 (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation) –

1State University of Humanities and Technology

Abstract. The article is the result of many years of work of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary and Preschool Education of the GSTU, summarizing surveys of primary school teachers and educators of educational organizations in the Moscow region. The main problem is the increasing number of children with speech disorders. The article deals with the problem of working with children with speech disorders, but without a diagnosis made for any reason. The described problem is noted by practical teachers of preschool educational organizations and primary schools. In the course of the study, the main psychological and pedagogical studies on the topic that have been published over the past 5 years on this issue were identified and commented on. The authors take the position that as a result of practical activities it is possible to compensate for the speech of children with minimal impairments in the conditions of an ordinary group of a kindergarten or an elementary school class. In the course of the work, it was possible to identify the main components of speech impairment in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren without a diagnosis. The identified components made it possible to logically construct and characterize the features of the organization of the activities of educators and primary school teachers with children with minimal speech disorders without a specially diagnosed diagnosis. Correctly formulated and characterized problems made it possible to outline ways to solve them and present them taking into account practical experience. In the course of the work carried out, gaming activity was especially noted, which allows the most effective work with preschoolers and younger students. As a result of the work, the conditions for organizing gaming activities are given. The most effective games for the speech development of children are presented and briefly characterized.

Keywords: preschooler, junior schoolchild, educator, teacher, speech disorders, kindergarten, elementary school, play activity, research.


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For citation:  Timokhina T.V., Akhmetshina I.A., Izmailova R.G., Kolycheva G.Yu., Merenkova D.E. To the question of working with children with speech disturbances in the conditions of kindergarten and primary school. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 67-79. DOI: