Kozlovskaya S.N., Kulikova Y.A., Khvatkova Y.S., Belonozhkov A.S.
UDC 37.047
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.2.46
Kozlovskaya S.N.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – snk4246270@mail.ru, Kulikova Y.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – kulikovayananstu@bk.ru, Khvatkova Y.S.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – khvatkova2000@inbox.ru, Belonozhkov A.S.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – belonozhkov1994@mail.ru
1Russian State Social University
Abstract. This article is an analysis of the youth labor market in the Russian Federation. Also, it defines the role of the state in solving the problems faced by young people in the field of labor and employment. The analysis includes an overview of demographic and socio-economic indicators, including the number of young people, the proportion of young people in the total population, the level of employment and unemployment among young people, the proportion of employed young people in the informal sector, the proportion of young people who do not study and do not work. Based on the analysis, the current problems faced by young people are identified. Among the main problems in this market are high unemployment, lack of experience, low wages, lack of vacancies of interest, absence or lack of knowledge, skills and abilities. To determine the role of the state in solving these problems, the article analyzes the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The federal and regional levels are considered. State assistance in this area is implemented through the creation of special projects, programs and measures aimed at supporting youth employment. The article examines the federal projects “Social elevators for everyone”, “Young professionals”, “Employment Promotion”, analyzes the “Long-term program for youth employment promotion for the period up to 2030”. At the regional level, the measures of Moscow are considered as an example, including: provision of free consultations, implementation of career guidance, creation of database of vacancies, promotion of temporary employment of young people, and etc. In addition, the projects “My career”, “First job”, “In-work”, the program “Pump up your career” were studied. The paper also identifies the importance of Career Centers that operate on the basis of educational organizations. In general, the role of the state is to create conditions for the realization of young people in the labor market, as well as to increase their competitiveness.
Keywords: youth, labor market, employment, youth unemployment, employment, government measures to support youth.
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For citation: Kozlovskaya S.N., Kulikova Y.A., Khvatkova Y.S., Belonozhkov A.S. The role of the state in solving youth problems in the sphere of employment and recruitmnet. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 525-538. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.2.46