ISSN 2409-7616

Zakievа R.R.


UDC 378


Zakievа R.R.1 (Kazan, Russian Federation) –

1Kazan State Power Engineering University

Abstract. One of the main directions of modernization of the Russian education system is the popularization of engineering professions. Many federal projects have been launched aimed at the comprehensive modernization of universities, their educational processes and a complete transition to the digital educational space. The purpose of this article is to analyze the education quality management system at the Kazan State Power Engineering University (KSUE) in the implementation of the state support program “Priority 2030”. First of all, KSPEU is focused on close cooperation with industry in terms of setting frontal engineering tasks and training engineers of a new generation within the framework of these decisions. For these purposes, mechanisms for internal independent assessment of the quality of education have been created and are operating. An independent assessment is provided by defending startups, projects and real cases from specialized organizations and enterprises, diagnosing the degree of development of the competencies included in the program. When choosing a specialized organization for passing, for example, industrial practice, the following are taken into account: the types of activities provided for by the educational program of students, the profile of the organization in accordance with the future professional activities of students and professional standards in the areas of training. The key innovation is the training of competent specialists who are ready to create an engineering “product” in their area (profile) of training. A competent specialist is considered according to four criteria: motivational-semantic (the definition of “significant” for the individual, its semantic sphere), cognitive (knowledge of the basics of engineering activity); activity-practical (experience in solving professional problems) and professional-reflexive (self-esteem, self-control and self-discipline). Three rating scales have been identified: low (incomplete and unstable manifestation of competence signs), medium (readiness to solve familiar typical tasks), high (creative level of engineering activity). The main approaches were: integrative, competency-based, cybernetic, activity-based and personality-oriented. It can be concluded that KSUE is a modern, progressive university that seeks to take a leading position in the scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country in a rapidly changing world.

Keywords: quality management, technical university, vocational education, engineer competence, integrative assessment, student.


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For citation: Zakieva R.R. Education quality management system at a technical university. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 358-371. DOI: