ISSN 2409-7616

Asimova S.N., Adelmurzina I.F., Nazmeeva I.V.. Bakieva E.V., Arslanov A.S.


UDC 372.891


Asimova S.N.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Adelmurzina I.F.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Nazmeeva I.V.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Bakieva E.V.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Arslanov A.S.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –

1Ufa University of Science and Technology

Abstract. Nowadays, more and more people are realizing the need to study their environment and the importance of preserving it for future generations. The study of physical geography, a science that studies natural processes on Earth, is an important step in this direction. School courses in physical geography play an important role in the formation of interest in the study of their region. Physical geography courses not only help students understand and explain natural processes, but also contribute to the development of analytical and observational skills, which is necessary for successful work in any sphere of life. In addition, the study of physical geography can also contribute to the formation of ecological thinking and responsible attitude to the environment. One of the key components of physical geography courses is the study of local attractions and natural objects. This helps students better understand and appreciate the uniqueness of their region, as well as understand the importance of its preservation and protection. The spiritual and moral formation of children and youth, their preparation for independent life is the most important component of the development of society and the state. During the period of social transformations in modern Russian society, the formation of value-based ideological foundations of education, ensuring the continuity of generations of Russians on the basis of public consent, in the spirit of forming a culture of peace and tolerance, are becoming relevant. Schoolchildren have a predominant consumer attitude to nature. The reason for this is a decrease in emotional coloring when submitting educational material. They help students not only to understand natural processes, but also to realize the importance of their preservation and protection for future generations. Therefore, from my point of view, in the lessons it is necessary to pay attention to the beauty of nature, develop a sense of beauty, form aesthetic taste, the ability to appreciate the beauty and richness of native nature. In these conditions, the role of geography in the education of personality is especially increasing. Geographical education is a reliable basis for the education of a diligent owner of his country and the Earth as a common home of mankind. The study of the native land and its culture is important for the formation of patriotic feelings and civic identity among the younger generation. However, in order to be interested in studying your region, you need to have basic knowledge about the geography of the area. School courses in physical geography play an important role in the formation of such knowledge and interest in the edge.

Keywords: geography, school course, native land, local history, physical geography, educational process.


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For citation: Asimova S.N., Adelmurzina I.F., Nazmeeva I.V., Bakieva E.V., Arslanov A.S. The role of school courses of physical geography in the formation of interest in the study of their region. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 212-225. DOI: