ISSN 2409-7616

Kovshikova E.V., Shindryaeva I.V., Prikhodko O.V.


UDC 37.061


Kovshikova E.V.1 (Volgograd, Russian Federation) –, Shindryaeva I.V.1 (Volgograd, Russian Federation) –, Prikhodko O.V.2 (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation) –

1Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

2Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the transformation of the conflict behavior of the subjects of education in the conditions of changing communicative practices.

The contradiction between the educational and educational systems of the family and the school is a source of conflicts that can be overcome exclusively through the communication «Teacher – Parent». This circumstance implies the need for a comprehensive study of the characteristics and specifics of such communication, as well as the identification of factors of its conflictogenicity. Based on an interpretive analysis of the texts of complaints from parents of students about the actions of school teachers and a sociological survey of teachers about the problems of communication with parents of students, the authors found that the communication «Teacher – Parent» has all the signs of an official business discourse. It refers to institutional forms of communication and meets certain social rules and ritualized framework of functioning. Communication «Teacher – Parent» in situational terms is characterized as follows: it is sanctioned and carried out in a normative standard situation (standard in this case means unified forms of communication peculiar to the administrative environment (for example: parent meeting, teacher’s conversation with parents, parent’s complaint to the educational management or child protection structures, etc.). Communication «Teacher – Parent» takes place in a status-marked situation (situations of social, socio-situational and situational inequality). In the circumstances of communication «Teacher – Parent» aorait highlighted the tone of communication (formality, joking, solemnity), the purpose and result of communication, communication channel (written / oral, indirect / personal, protocol / without fixation, etc.), as well as chronotopic characteristics of communication (place, time, conditions of communication). The specific features of the communication «Teacher – Parent» include the following signs that are in the field of norm: thematically, it often uses microtemes of the private life of the student and his family; it can be carried out in a non-standard and non-normative situation; participants can vary situational statuses in the process of communication to achieve their own goals, use different tonality and non-standard chronotope. Communication «Teacher – Parent» increases the potential of conflictogenicity in the following cases: participants clumsily vary each other’s situational statuses, which leads to their collision; the teacher ignores the influence of the chosen tonality and chronotope on the effectiveness of communication; participants do not take into account each other’s communicative goals; participants do not know how to switch subcodes, etc.

Keywords: educational organization, conflict behavior, teacher, parent, communication.


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For citation:

Kovshikova E.V., Shindryaeva I.V., Prikhodko O.V. The conflict between the teacher and the student’s parents: communicative aspects. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp. 396-406. DOI: