Adelmurzin I.F., Latypova Z.B., Nazmeeva I.V., Magasumov T.M., Sagitdinova N.H.
UDC 373
Adelmurzin I.F.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Latypova Z.B.2 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Nazmeeva I.V.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Magasumov T.M.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Sagitdinova N.H.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –
1Ufa University of Science and Technology
2Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmula
Abstract. New educational standards imply the active use of new pedagogical technologies. The article shows the role of media education in geography lessons. Media education prepares students to understand the role of the media in culture and perception of the world, develops the ability to process information received from various sources. The integration of media education into geography lessons allows students to learn how to explain environmental phenomena, as well as analyze media reports. The formation of such thinking in students is influenced by the ability to evaluate, interpret and accept the position of the author. This work is dedicated to the introduction of media education in geography lessons. The complexity of tasks for finding information and working with it, the analysis of text headings and much more affects the student’s acquisition of skills to use the media. The use of active teaching methods at school has a number of significant advantages: awareness of the learning process by schoolchildren; the possibility of active inclusion in it; planning their activities; the ability to build the learning process at different levels of complexity and widely use non-traditional forms of learning. In general, the use of active methods of teaching at school is not only possible, but also necessary, they allow to qualitatively improve the educational process, increase the strength of the acquired knowledge, significantly develop the personal qualities of the child. Active methods of teaching geography allow you to form the qualities of an active participant in any process, learn to find and make decisions; develop abilities that can be found in other conditions and situations; learn competitiveness, extraordinary behavior, the ability to adapt to changing conditions; learn the ability to communicate, establish contacts; enjoy communicating with partners; learn to create a special emotional environment that is attractive to students..
Keywords: media education, critical thinking, mass media, educational process, information search, information sources, geography lessons.
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For citation:
Adelmurzin I.F., Latypova Z.B., Nazmeeva I.V., Magasumov T.M., Sagitdinova N.H. Integraphy of media education in geography lessons at the modern school. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.238-249. DOI: