ISSN 2409-7616

Khadikova I.M., Kozaevi Y.Kh.


UDC 371


Khadikova I.M.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –, Kozaevi Y.Kh.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

Abstract. One of the topical areas of pedagogy and psychology is the development of a new field of scientific knowledge – gender pedagogical psychology. Gender pedagogical psychology is engaged in the study of the characteristics of sex, reveals the differences between the psychological characteristics correlated with sex. The concept of “gender” is a fairly new term in modern pedagogical and psychological science. In the middle and in the second half of the 20th century, the psychology of sex in pedagogical research or gender psychology as a section of differential psychology was born in Russian pedagogical science. Within the framework of this section, scientists began to study the features of human behavior in society, determined both by their biological sex and by social roles corresponding to sex, fixed in the historical public consciousness. The concept of “gender” and related concepts – “gender relations”, “gender characteristics of development”, “education” – initially differed significantly from the concepts of “gender characteristics of development”, “taking into account the gender characteristics of children in education and upbringing”, “sex-role behavior ”, “ethical and gender differentiation in education”, but over time, new concepts began to cover all aspects of the problem associated with socio-cultural and individual-personal development and the formation of representatives of different sexes in modern society. However, even today, with all the scientific advances, you can’t actually change someone’s gender. You can call yourself whatever you like, but in the end, every cell of the body and its DNA remain encoded in accordance with the innate biological sex. This article discusses the features of the formation of gender identity in adolescence.

Keywords: gender, gender, social gender, adolescence, gender differences in pedagogy, gender pedagogical psychology.


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For citation:

Khadikova I.M., Kozaevi Y.Kh. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of gender identity in adolescents. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.220-228. DOI: