ISSN 2409-7616

Gorlova N.I., Starovojtova L.I.


UDC 37.013.43


Gorlova N.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Starovojtova L.I.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economic

2Russian State Social University

Abstract. The article analyzes the most important state and public problem concerning the preservation of the cultural heritage of Russia on the basis of European and domestic experience. The topic of preserving cultural heritage in the modern world is diverse, as is the experience of its implementation. It is distinguished by a systematic and integrated approach to its solution, taking into account general and particular methods, traditions and national characteristics. In this regard, there is a need for a more substantive acquaintance with the existing successful practices of world experience in the implementation of policies in the field of conservation of cultural heritage sites. The authors identified and analyzed the key trends and approaches related to the preservation of the universal cultural heritage. The authors also note that currently in Russia there is an increase in public initiatives among the population, there is an active consolidation of the efforts of public associations, executive bodies of state power, business companies, the media, the public, which suggests the relevance of developing an institutional approach to volunteering in in order to promote the effective implementation of social policy. The authors especially single out educational activities among the population in the field of preserving objects of national cultural heritage, awareness of the enduring value of spiritual culture, moral ideals, traditions, both of the peoples of the Russian Federation and of the entire world community. The results of the study allow us to say that awareness of the enduring value of spiritual culture, moral ideals, traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation, careful attitude to cultural heritage objects – historical and cultural monuments – is the key to successful and peaceful development of the country, its prosperity.

Keywords: cultural heritage, cultural heritage protection, cultural policy, cultural heritage objects, European experience, domestic experience, heritage volunteers.


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For citation:

Gorlova N.I., Starovojtova L.I. International practice and key trends in the preservation of cultural heritage. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp.388-398. DOI: