Antonova T.V.
UDC 37.025.7
Antonova T.V.1 (Bryansk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky
Abstract. Politeness acts as one of the most noticeable categories of communication. Nothing is more noticeable in the process of communication than the politeness or impoliteness of interlocutors to each other. Any society welcomes the politeness of its members and condemns impoliteness, although the concept of what actions and words are polite and which are not, turns out to be nationally and even socially conditioned. Politeness is a nationally specific category that is difficult to define unambiguously, especially in an intercultural aspect, since the understanding of politeness among different peoples is different. Numerous publications prove that researchers are interested in this problem. The lack of unity in views on how politeness should be defined, what it is and what are the mechanisms of its action in different cultures, what is the role of this category in the educational dialogue – these aspects also arouse great interest. These provisions determined the relevance of the work. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the inclusion of the category in an informative educational dialogue, to present the results of an experimental verification of the effectiveness of the developed methodology based on the components of polite speech. The object of the study is an informative dialogue. The subject of the study is the content characteristics of the category of politeness, which make it possible to construct an informational dialogue. According to the purpose and subject of the work, we assume that practical and seminar classes at the university will be productive if verbal means of expressing the category of politeness are used in the learning process, which makes the educational dialogue more natural. The scientific novelty of the research involves a theoretical justification and practical implementation of the elements of the category of politeness in the educational dialogue.
Keywords: thecategory of politeness, interpersonal contacts, the manner of communication, the demonstration of one’s attitude to the interlocutor, educational dialogue, maintenance of social balance, regulation of social distance.
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For citation:
Antonova T.V. Functional and semantic characteristics of the information dialogue in the educational process at the university. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.552-568. DOI: