ISSN 2409-7616

Fedoseeva I.A., Pominova O.L.



UDC 316.346.32-053.6

Fedoseeva I.A.1 (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Pominova O.L.1 (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1St. Petersburg Military Institute of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents the relevance of the institution of the family, discusses the evolution of family values, starting from ancient Russia and ending with the current era. The analysis of the degree of study of the topic, carried out in the article, led to the conclusion that the indicated problems are an actual object and subject of study of both domestic and foreign scientists. The necessity of educating family values among young people is proved. The importance of the traditional form of family and marriage relations, the influence of the father and mother on the upbringing of the child is revealed. On the basis of cultural monuments, it is shown that the family was declared as one of the highest social and moral values of a person. Family values, care for each family member helped Russia survive in the difficult years of famine, devastation, and war. The authors identify 2 main paradigms within which family problems are interpreted: the paradigm of modernization and the paradigm of family crisis. Based on statistical data, the article outlines the negative consequences of the destruction of the family institution, the problems of paradigm changes. The authors came to the understanding that the preparation of the younger generation for an independent adult life is simply impossible only on the basis of a certain amount of knowledge that does not solve the problems of the formation of citizenship and patriotism, does not form a moral personality. Purposeful and systematic activity is needed in solving this problem, powerful state and public support of the Russian family is needed. The current state of society is presented. At the end of the work, the authors conclude that despite the paradigm changes, it is the family that is able to lead Russia out of the protracted crisis.

Keywords: family, family values, education, paradigm approach.


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For citation:

Fedoseeva I.A., Pominova O.L. Paradigmatic changes in family values in the era of globalization. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.321-330. DOI: