Telicheva E.G.
UDC 37.02
Telicheva E.G.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Pacific National University
Abstract. The transition to an information society involves the creation of a developed information and communication environment and integration into the world educational space. Educational organizations are faced with the task of forming a new generation of specialists with a high level of competence. The introduction of distance forms in the traditional formats of education aimed at optimizing educational processes through information, digital technologies, based on the accumulated knowledge, experience in science, engineering. The entry of distance learning into the educational process began long before the pandemic. At the legislative level, electronic and distance formats are fixed, the pandemic only accelerated their entry into the processes of educational organizations. In the process of interaction of the subjects of the educational process, a wide range of problems requiring study and adjustment has been revealed. In the context of the stated topic, the focus of the study is aimed at the processes occurring during the sudden transition of the educational environment of the university to the distance learning format, assessment of the important problems for students that appeared during the transition to the distance learning format and the definition of corrective measures. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems faced by students in the transition to distance learning and the search for ways of alignment. The information base of the studying was the study of the authors on this issue, the result of the author’s survey. The hypothesis of the study is based on the assertion that the inclusion of distance forms in the traditional format of learning will allow the application of digital tools to improve the learning process, through creative, innovative, design activity of students without territorial attachment to the educational organization. We studied and analyzed scientific publications on the topic of the study; the structure and content of the FSES of Higher Education 3++, professional standards. General scientific methods – systematization, analysis, deduction, questioning were applied.
Keywords: educational organizations, educational process, digital technologies, e-education, distance learning, social environment of university.
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For citation:
Telicheva E.G. Studying the opinion of students about the infuence of distance learning on the educational process. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.299-310. DOI: