Krylova L.V.
UDC 338.43
Krylova L.V.1 (Donetsk, Donetsk People’s Republic) – E – mail:
1Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky
Abstract. The article considers the features of the development of the hotel industry, the hotel market, tourism and agrotourism, hotel services and agro-hotels. It is noted that agrotourism, as one of the directions of eco-tourism, includes hotel, culinary, rural and ethnotourism, depending on the trip and assumes that the tourist goes to a farm or ranch and gets acquainted with nature, works there, discovers new activities and lives like an ordinary worker. The main characteristics of business modeling are investigated, which is carried out for a better understanding of ongoing business processes and is a formal description of the actual or desired activity of the enterprise, which is aimed at standardizing processes; improving the quality of work and manageability of business; improving activities; reducing the dependence of business on the human factor. As a result of scientific research, a business model of agromarketing has been developed, formed on the basis of modeling business processes in the development of the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of ecosystem development, which is a formal description of the actual or desired activity of the enterprise, determining the conditions for obtaining the required results of the functions performed, responsible for them, as well as identifying problem areas of the process under study. The agromarketing business model for agro-industrial enterprises has been developed in accordance with the principles of business process modeling and the rules for constructing IDEF0 diagrams.
Keywords: agromarketing, ecosystems, business model, business modeling, functional models in IDEF0 notation, agrotourism, agro-hotels, agro-industrial complex, standards, process approach, rural tourism, hotel services.
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For citation:
Krylova L.V. Business modeling of agromarketing in the context of ecosystem development. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.7-19. DOI: