ISSN 2409-7616

Savinov A.M., Ignatiev S.E.



UDC 378

Savinov A.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Ignatiev S.E.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Moscow State Regional University

Abstract. The relevance of the research is caused by the need to design the pedagogical relationship between the teacher and students in drawing lessons. Methods used: observation of the process of drawing, analysis of drawings and pedagogical experiment. The systematization of various variants of relationships has been carried out, the positive and negative sides of various relationships in the educational process according to the drawing have been revealed. The optimal variant of pedagogical relationships is proposed, which can be achieved in the process of mastering literacy in drawing. Recommendations for the design of pedagogical relationships are given. It was revealed that highly productive pedagogical relationships, designed and introduced into the practice of teaching drawing, have an impact on the effectiveness of teaching literacy in drawing. The authors believe that building pedagogical relationships in the educational process or its individual components is the creation of such options for relationships that are optimal for the interaction of a teacher and a student. The main task of the teacher is to determine the type of relationship that the student carries out, and to build in parallel his own, corresponding to his pedagogical aspirations. By designing and implementing in practice highly productive pedagogical relationships, the teacher will be able to get rid of their unproductive relationships with students, thereby significantly increasing the effectiveness of teaching literacy in drawing. The materials of the article are intended for teachers of drawing who carry out artistic and graphic training of students.

Keywords: teaching drawing, artistic training in drawing, pedagogical relationships, interpersonal relationships, designing pedagogical relationships.


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For citation:

Savinov A.M., Ignatiev S.E. Designing pedagogical relationships in drawing classes. CITISE, 2021, no. 4, pp.360-376. DOI: