Erina I.A., Bazhan Z.I.
UDC 378.014.3
Erina I.A.1 (Sevastopol, Russian Federation) – Е-mail:, Bazhan Z.I.2 (Yalta, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Sevastopol State University
2V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Abstract. This article reveals the topic of professional pedagogical work with children with disabilities. The statistics data are presented and discussed, a historical analysis (reference) of the formation of Russian defectology is given. The classification of deviations in the development of B.P. Puzanov and V.A. Lapshin, characteristics of their varieties, the problem of mental dysontogenesis and its nature. A classification is given in practical work with children with disabilities. The authors take the position that a scientific approach to a positive solution to the problem of children with disabilities is now very important in teaching teachers whose activities are in contact with this category of children. Knowledge of not only the characteristics of disability, but also the correct professional structure of the process of training, upbringing and development of such children, plays an important fundamental role in helping, supporting and accompanying children with disabilities. Each teacher must be very attentive to such children, support a special child, and develop positive self-esteem in him. For a child with disabilities, the main thing is learning without violence and coercion, based on interest, success, trust, reflection on what has been learned. Based on the results of the study, methodological recommendations for the interaction of a teacher with this social group of children and their families were formulated.
Keywords: educational space, children with disabilities, mental dysontogenesis, oligophrenia, dementia, professional interaction, disability.
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For citation:
Erina I.A., Bazhan Z.I. Professional interaction of teachers in working with children with disabilities. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.399-408. DOI: