Makarenko V.S., Tkach R.V.
UDC 378.6:623
Makarenko V.S.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Tkach R.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Moscow Higher combined arms command school
Abstract. The article presents the materials of scientific research concerning the problem associated with the need to form and develop an active position of the defender of the Fatherland among future officers of the RF Armed Forces. The authors note that the problem of forming an active position of the defender of the Fatherland in the Russian military community among cadets of military universities is not sufficiently developed theoretically and practically, while certain issues of this problem are reflected in the scientific works of Russian military scientists and teachers. Reveals the reasons that determine the importance and urgency of the research problem. It is noted that in the modern conditions of the development of the Russian armed forces and the methods of warfare, the contradiction between the demands of society for an active position of the defender of the Fatherland among cadets of military universities and the low efficiency of interaction between humanitarian and military-professional disciplines in the process of military-professional education of cadets is increasing. It is assumed that the solution of this complex problem will largely be facilitated by the identification and actualization of the educational potential of moral values and state-patriotic attitudes in the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle; enhancing the role of military scientific work of cadets in the process of developing an active position of the defender of the Fatherland; improving the methodological preparation of the management and teaching staff for pedagogical cooperation with cadets in the formation of an active position of the defender of the Fatherland in educational and extracurricular activities. The obtained research results have shown that they have theoretical and practical significance. The theoretical significance lies in the possibility of using all theoretical materials for further research in this area. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using in the system of military education at all levels and directions: a developed and experimentally tested pedagogical model of forming an active position of the defender of the Fatherland among cadets of military universities; the system of developed and tested criteria for assessing the level of formation of the active position of the defender of the Fatherland among cadets of military universities.
Keywords: active position of the defender of the Fatherland, cadets of military universities, military potential, military equipment, military professional education.
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For citation:
Makarenko V.S., Tkach R.V. The active position of the defender of the fatherland of cadets of military universities: a necessary historical reality. CITISE, 2021, no. 2, pp.271-281. DOI: