ISSN 2409-7616

Osipchukova E.V., Zvereva T.V.


UDC 373:378:316.346.32

Osipchukova E.V.1 (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation) –; Zvereva T.V.2 (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation) –

1Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

2Gymnasium No. 39 “French Gymnasium”

Abstract. Career guidance among schoolchildren and students is of high importance at the present time and plays a significant role in the development of society, education, and the manufacturing sector. The success of career guidance is influenced by the motivational and value characteristics of a person, his inclinations and abilities. But the level of organization and management of career guidance activities is no less important. The relevance of the research is based on the need to take into account the rapidly changing labor market, the need to introduce an integrated and systematic approach to the activities of schools in the direction of career guidance, as well as the study of students’ professional identity. The authors propose a model of career guidance work with students of MAOU gymnasium No. 39 “French Gymnasium”, consisting of four components (normative, methodological, substantive, personnel and evaluative), the development of which is based on the study of the regulatory framework, career guidance in historical retrospect, highlighting principles, methods, directions, forms and performance indicators. To develop the model, theoretical approaches to career guidance activities were studied, an analysis of career guidance activities in historical retrospect was carried out, the principles and components of the model were identified, and the content of each component was developed. When implementing the author’s model of career guidance, the following approaches were used: personality-oriented, activity-based and systemic. Personality-oriented approach allows you to take into account the interests, inclinations, interests and needs of a young person. The authors propose as the main activity-based approach, which implies the active involvement of the student in the process of career guidance along with freedom of choice. The implementation of the model is confirmed by the expert opinions of the management of the MAOU Gymnasium No. 39 “French Gymnasium” institution. The results of partial testing of the model are a change in the choice of the type of profession by students, as well as the adjustment of individual curricula of schoolchildren, which indicates a more conscious attitude towards the choice of a future profession.

Keywords: career guidance, career guidance model, schoolchildren, professions.


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For citation: Osipchukova E.V., Zvereva T.V.  Modeling the process of career guidance at school as a key to successful training at the university. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 671-687.